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Taking Greener Steps Everyday

Here at The Metropole Hotel, we are passionate about our commitment to ensuring our operations become more sustainable. As we strive to become an environmentally conscious hotel, we have worked on several initiatives and policies to meet our responsibilities that will reduce our footprint on the planet.

As we explore and improve our operational systems, we want to ensure that the right internal culture structure is in place as well as investing in new initiatives. Our goal is to balance our environmental impact while also enhancing our guest experience and overall improve our business performance. Our internal Green Team are researching sustainable products & services to be used wherever possible. We also want to encourage our team members to communicate our commitment to the environment and corporate social responsibility to all stakeholders of the hotel including guests, suppliers and wholesalers.

Our key focus areas are the environment, our team members, and the community.

Our Sustainable Initiatives

Follow us on our greening journey

We have begun to make a number of changes and introduced a number of ways that we are reducing our footstep on the planet. Here are a few of the initiatives we have been working on;

  • Changed straws from plastic to paper in our bar & restaurant
  • Installed bin dividers in each guest bedroom allowing them to segregate waste
  • Abolished all mini toiletries in bedrooms and introduced Paul Costello refillable bottles
  • 98% of our hotel lights are are now energy saving LED bulbs
  • New boilers and water tanks have been bought which meet sustainability requirements and allow us to reduce energy costs and C02 emissions.
  • Compostable take away cups have been introduced
  • Water is bottled in glass not plastic, with the hope of introducing Tetra Pak bottles by 2023
  • Cleaning products are sourced locally and are ecolabel products
  • Guests have access to Pressreader which allows us to reduce the amount of paper waste
  • Now apart of Repak
  • Culinary team have partnered with a number of local suppliers to reduce carbon footprint
  • Pens have now been replaced with recycled pencils

Food Sustainability Charter

Read Charter Here

Our Green Credentials

50 Shades Greener Certified

Green Hospitality Member

Our Charity Partnerships

As part of our commitment to becoming a more sustainable business, The Metropole Hotel, in partnership with our group, Trigon Hotels, have established relationships with a number of causes and charities to help give back to our community.

Cope Sensory Garden

Beginning in 2021, the Cope Sensory Garden has been a collaborative effort between Trigon Hotels & Cope Foundation allows us to give a helping hand to those who need it most & grow produce to use in our kitchen

Read More Here


At Trigon Hotels, we are proud to be an Ability@Work partner, working with other organisations in Cork City to support young people with intellectual disabilities in their journey to find work. Together with Ability@Work, we are learning to make the transition to the working environment easier for young individuals with learning disabilities.

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At Trigon Hotels, we are proud to be an Ability@Work partner, working with other organisations in Cork City to support young people with intellectual disabilities in their journey to find work. Together with Ability@Work, we are learning to make the transition to the working environment easier for young individuals with learning disabilities.

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